Out of Your Comfort Zone
Wanderland Film
I was approached by Josh Klausner, a successful director and screenwriter - Shrek, Date Night, There’s Something about Mary, Green Book… he said he wanted to woo me to be the music supervisor for a new film he was working on, Wanderland.
The opportunity excited me because I would be doing something I had never done before and I love filmmaking. I asked him what the expectations were, what my role would be because I wanted to make sure that I could deliver excellence.
This opportunity, this job put me definitely outside of my comfort zone, but I knew I could use all the skills that I have and many many experiences I have as a coach, songwriter, music producer, and lover of films to contribute to this project.
Josh told me I want all your creativity. That open hearted, conversation idea welcoming approach attracted me so much! My primary job was writing and producing all the original songs for the film.
I’m going to be in over my head + I love the idea of that! That’s where success + growth happens, I said YES!
I had a fantastic time working with Josh and the entire cast and crew of this film. We wrote an entirely original soundtrack together - Josh, one of my favorite writing partners and I. I co-produced all the original music, vocal produced every actor in the studio and worked with everyone live on set. I contributed to casting and even a touch to the editing process. It was an incredible experience. And it was challenging! Working within the budget, time constraints, putting out fires, calming and empowering a variety of personalities, night shoots! Ohhh the night shoots. I gained so much personally and creatively.
It was definitely one of my most beautiful and memorable creative experiences.
“Think outside of the box”, “Get out of you comfort zone” these are such common phrases that can lead you to take risks, level up and have breakthroughs you’ve been dreaming about.
I truly believe we only succeed when we are in over our head.
So what is the box and how are we in it?
I believe that “the box” - limitations, stopping ourselves, not taking chances is created by worrying about what other people think.
The box is the concept of who we think we are. But who are we? A series of habits, patterns, addictions, tendencies - all from the past.
When you do something new, when you break a habit, change a pattern, when you behave in a way you haven’t before - that’s also you!
Letting go of the fear of what other people will think is one of the biggest and most powerful steps you can take to be true to your self and feel free.
Next time you worry about what other people think of you ask yourself what would 10 year old me want to do? Would five year old me be thrilled about what I’m doing right now? So the only voice you are listening to, the only opinion you are following first and foremost is that of your truest spirit! YOU!
If you want more tools on how to get out of your comfort zone, check out my online course Blueprint
To gain a deeper understanding of yourself and show up being the truest, boldest, authentic you in every aspect of your art, check out Compass - an authentic branding program for professional recording artists
ps. Everyone is so busy worried about what you think of them, they’re not thinking about you!
Watch the film WANDERLAND + enjoy the music!
Ps - keep an eye out for my cameo ;)