Life is a Team Sport
Wendy Parr and Kato the Producer in the Studio Talking Shop
Photo: Tarik Dennie
The most important voice to listen to is your own. Creating a life and career you love is about discovering what you love to do, what makes you feel amazing, where your talents lie an your purpose - how you want to affect people in this world.
Some people never ask these questions of themselves. As a creative it’s essential and yet to answer these questions takes years, and since we’re constantly evolving, we have to reassess on a regular basis. Sometimes we don’t even know the questions to ask ourselves to find the answers we need.
Add to it the Just do it! + “Anything is possible” culture and the pressure to be self reliant is like the weight of the world on your small shoulders.
So what’s the solution?
Life is a team sport
Find a mentor or two to help guide you through the questions to lead you to yourself. Every entrepreneur does not need to reinvent the wheel. You’ll be spinning your wheels and wasting time. There are things that are proven to work, bring in your unique perspective, twist and THAT can be the next innovation!
Find a partner- collaborate and bring people who are amazing at the things that you’re not as strong as so together you create a moving train that is powerful. That partner could be your best friend who believes in you or someone who is doing it in a way that you admire and gel with. Some partners are for now, some for a season, some for a lifetime… it takes time, experiences to build trust. Don’t grab the first person who shows interest. Choose someone who is aligned with your values and vision. Someone who pushes back kindly.
Rely on Your family - we all need friends, professionals and chosen family who are your go to for emotional support. Your life and career is going to have ups and downs, and the ability to take care of your mental health and wellness while striving to accomplish your dreams is essential.
Focusing only on yourself is a massive pressure, and although we want to be healthfully, self-centered, when you partner and champion others, add and contribute to someone else’s dream - it brings exponential return for your emotional spirit and career.
Relationships built on trust (family, friends, colleagues and partners) a system of support and communication can create a much less stressful career and life. That may sound obvious, but the importance of loved ones and people you can express and open up to can help keep everyone’s heads clear, grounded and focused on a path with integrity.
Engage in socially enriching activities
Invest time and energy into friendships
Find a community where you can discuss the pressures of being a creative entrepreneur (The Artist’s Circle!)
Find mentors
Create partnerships
Take your time
The success of an artist is primarily based on the circle they associate with? Do you know that the impressionist painters created a community themselves and their success came as a group putting on art shows together because the mainstream art community did not accept them at the time?!
Did you know that Spielberg, George Lucas, Coppola, DePalma and Scorsese were all close friends, and gave each other feedback on their early projects making them all more successful?!!!
Not only do you not have to go it alone, it’s fairly impossible to succeed if you do and way more fulfilling and fun to do with a creative community!