Connecting with Your Audience Through Authenticity
Wendy Parr in Mexico at the Sun + Moon Pyramids
Emotional Expression: Connecting with Your Audience when you’re tired, pissed, or flirty.
We love music because it moves us so much. It makes us forget our day and dance or it takes us deeper into the heartache we are feeling. – MUSIC is transformational.
When it’s your career and your job, it can sometimes lose that magic when 1 million other things are on top of your mind when you’re songwriting, recording or performing. All the things people have said to you that you need to do to make your writing better or your performance bolder or the idea, what does my audience like? Or creating social media content based on what’s trending or what your audience in the algorithm bubble responds to.
Having tools to get your focus back to you, into your creative flow and emotionally connected is essential.
If you’ve ever meditated using focusing on the breath or a mantra, that tool becomes a way into your meditation into that deeper state of connection and moments of thoughtlessness.
One way you can connect to your music ls to make the words, the lyric the vowel that mantra. Just put all your attention on the vowel you’re saying at the moment and then the next vowel amd the next vowel and it will get you back into your body, into the rhythm of the song, into the melody, the emotions, the storytelling! Get yourself PRESENT.
Another way to connect is to ask yourself - what am I feeling right now? and use the song to express your emotion. I don’t care what the lyrics are about - if you’re feeling tired sing and express how tired you are using the lyric and melody. If you’re sad and frustrated, let that out! If you’re on tour and you got bad news right before the show express how sad and disappointed you are even if your song is a pop it off jumping for joy, song, first express your truth, and then allow the song to affect you and your next emotional truth will come out and then your next emotional truth - emotions only last 90 seconds if we let them be expressed. They last forever if we ignore them or suppress them.
And you being in the moment is what makes your show on Tuesday different from Wednesday, different from Thursday’s performances…
Authentic, powerful and unique.
Try it out! Go sing a song that is a “sad song” and sing it when you’re feeling flirty and sexy and see what happens to the performance!
DM me and let me know what you experience!
#Performance #PerformanceCoach #InTheNow #Vocal Coach #ArtistIdentity #ArtistDevelopment