Finding My Voice

parr method musician vocalist

I started working when I was 8 - acting, performing, voice overs, plays, TV… and I started working with a highly regarded vocal coach when I was 15. He was my mentor and his word was authority. I was an R&B singer, the only caucasian in an all-black musical, Motown got my record and loved it, but didn’t know what to do with a 15-year-old who sang like Tina Marie (the main comparison I got in those days). I had a label A&R tell me I should be more like Alannis Morrisette when she just blew up + that sound was the new trend. I had a strong voice and was told, learned, and thought I had to sing a certain way for my voice to be “Good”

My voice was on the record, but my heart, soul and connection was slowly fading into the background getting locked up. I was disconnected, lost about who I am and who I was told I should and shouldn’t be + I started hating singing and music.

I slowly found my way out of that painful, frustrating place. I didn't understand why I didn’t like singing, the thing I love doing more than anything + why I sounded so bad.

I had to find ME again - what I love about music, what I had to say + how I wanted to say it. I sang LOW, I used falsetto, I sang music that wasn’t my genre…

This experience shaped the person and coach I am. It became the foundation for myself and empowering the artists I work with - to find YOUR VOICE. Let go of what culture and others have told you to be so you can be who you are designed and desire to be.

I want you to LOVE what you do and how you do it. The business of music can make you forget your WHY.

Reconnect to it. Build YOUR Blueprint, one you can rely on through all the stages of your career - to stay true to yourself. Your voice is your north star. Authentic. Intuitive. True

Want the tools and insights to get back to your joy? Follow your creative impulses? Check out my course Blueprint. It’s designed with your heart + soul in mind.


Feeling Shaky


My ever changing (yet always consistent) style