Making Connections

Wendy Parr working with @katoproducer in the studio

Just a couple of creatives getting to know each other, talking shop, and showing up!

The music business is a small world, and when I see a good egg I love to connect. Good people + good music + real talk = a great life.

@katoproducer has so much dedication, passion, and is clearly at the top of the game. What really impressed me and makes me so proud, so happy for him, is what he’s built for himself as a creative artist + entrepreneur. He has created his own success + partnered with others in such a generous way — showing up for up-and-coming creatives to be a source of real wisdom, insights, and connection. He’s doing what so many people need, yet so few do. 

If you haven’t yet, check out his Sound Advice Tour which is all about meeting other creators, having your music heard, + gaining insight into the business of music. 

Social media makes connections so possible. Who have you reached out to recently? Who’s reached out to you? Do you respond? Do you take a chance? I met one of my best songwriting partners via a cold email. He said yes + we’ve been writing ever since. 

Of course, where you spend your time and energy is an absolute choice, so how do you choose? Are you doing it based on what you think someone can offer you? Or how you could create something together? Do you vibe with their character and integrity?

Don’t pick someone cuz they have awards and stats. That doesn’t mean you’ll vibe.

Find your peers, someone on your level who you dig, admire, who shows up + contributes like you do. Find someone you respect and who digs what you’re up to. CREATE together.

Do you. Be generous. Choose wisely. Create.

Post, share + tag me! I love to hear what you experience. And if you DIG the PARR PAPER — please, share it with your friends!


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